Monday 11 December 2017

What Is The Easiest Way To Learn Poker?

Knowing  just the basics of a game like Texas Hold’em Poker can’t give you the essence and true spirit of the game.

Poker learning should also include knowing the poker strategies well enough so that you can bring the game and your competitors under your control. Poker is not a game of luck – it’s a game of patience, dedication, perseverance, observation, behavioral science and strategy. Thus, when your investment of money requires the aforesaid qualities to bring back returns, it’s important that you imbibe those into your. Poker in general should be considered as a business. Like in a business, poker requires proper information and knowledge, awareness, patience and focus, but unlike a business, poker doesn’t take time to make money. Either you use your skills and strategy to make money or you lose your entire bankroll.

So how do you play poker? Poker, especially Texas Hold’em poker free game is no rocket science. It can be played by maximum 9 people on one table, but minimum 2 people are required. The most popular format of Texas Hold’em includes 6 people - dealer, also known as the ‘button’, small blind (the person sitting right next to the dealer’s left), Big blind (the person just beside the small blind), the UTG or under the gun, Mid 1, Mid 2, mid 3. In case it’s a full ring game, the next positions are called high jack and cut off.

 Texas Hold’em Poker requires a deck of 52 cards devoid the jokers. First, all the players are
dealt with two face down cards each which marks the start of pre-flop round – the 1st round among the four. Judging on these two cards (known as hole cards) the players starts their bets. The Small blind and big blind have to necessarily bet – big blind usually has to bet double the amount bet by the small blind. This amount decides the minimum bet of the other players. Subsequently the other players either check (pass the turn without betting anything), bet or fold (leave the game).

 After the pre- flop round, the first three community cards are kept face up on the board. This marks the ‘flop’ round. Here, each player decides on whether he would place the bet, raise the bet, check or fold the game, on the basis of the combination they can make with 5 cards including the community cards and their two hole cards. Once all the players have bet equal amount, the next turn round ensues. 

Now, the fourth community card or turn card is flipped on the board. The round then continues just as it did in the 2nd round. This leads to either elimination of players or increase in the stakes. After the pot fetches equal bets from the players, the game moves on to the final round – the ‘river’ round. Now the last card, i.e. the river card is kept face up on the board. Another round of betting ensues and finally the showdown occurs where the best hand wins.

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